Sex Doll Scam Alert

Be aware that a significantly cheaper price is a red flag that it’s a counterfeit fake copy of an authentic love doll. Counterfeit doll sellers are rampant on the internet using doll photos stolen from an authentic manufacturers website. These counterfeit dolls are made with inferior materials and production methods resulting in poor quality dolls that don’t feel nice and will quickly fall apart. Even worse, it may be a bait-and-switch for a blow-up or semi-blow-up doll “coated” in TPE, or potentially a scam to simply steal your money with no doll at all. Don’t fall for it, you don’t wanna be THAT guy.

How can you avoid being scammed?
Look closely at the website. If you encounter the following situations purchase with caution:
1 - Scamming websites are very rudimentary, and the information displayed seems sketchy, incomplete, and often full of contradiction.
2 - Low prices ! Prices so low that competing websites are clearly undercut.
3 - No customer service options such as online chat.
4 - They offer payment options that are unfamiliar to you such as bank transfers. (Both credit card and PayPal payments can be refunded, so scammers typically don't usually use them)
If you still have any questions regarding fraud you can always contact us. RealDolls4U will be happy to help you.